發布時間:2022-03-17 16:34:42來源:勵普教育綜合
聽安萬善吹觱篥歌 李頎
南山截竹為觱篥, 此樂本自龜茲出。
流傳漢地曲轉奇, 涼州胡人為我吹;
傍鄰聞者多嘆息, 遠客思鄉皆淚垂。
世人解聽不解賞, 長飆風中自來往。
枯桑老柏寒颼飗, 九雛鳴鳳亂啾啾。
龍吟虎嘯一時發, 萬籟百泉相與秋。
忽然更作漁陽摻, 黃云蕭條白日暗。
變調如聞楊柳春, 上林繁花照眼新。
歲夜高堂列明燭, 美酒一杯聲一曲。
Li Qi
Bamboo from the southern hills was used to make this pipe.
And its music, that was introduced from Persia first of all,
Has taken on new magic through later use in China.
And now the Tartar from Liangzhou, blowing it for me,
Drawing a sigh from whosoever hears it,
Is bringing to a wanderer\'s eyes homesick tears....
Many like to listen; but few understand.
To and fro at will there\'s a long wind flying,
Dry mulberry-trees, old cypresses, trembling in its chill.
There are nine baby phoenixes, outcrying one another;
A dragon and a tiger spring up at the same moment;
Then in a hundred waterfalls ten thousand songs of autumn
Are suddenly changing to The Yuyang Lament;
And when yellow clouds grow thin and the white sun darkens,
They are changing still again to Spring in the Willow Trees.
Like Imperial Garden flowers, brightening the eye with beauty,
Are the high-hall candles we have lighted this cold night,
And with every cup of wine goes another round of music.
夜歸鹿門山歌 孟浩然
山寺鐘鳴晝已昏, 漁梁渡頭爭渡喧;
人隨沙路向江村, 余亦乘舟歸鹿門。
鹿門月照開煙樹, 忽到龐公棲隱處;
巖扉松徑長寂寥, 惟有幽人自來去。
Meng Haoran
A bell in the mountain-temple sounds the coming of night.
I hear people at the fishing-town stumble aboard the ferry,
While others follow the sand-bank to their homes along the river.
...I also take a boat and am bound for Lumen Mountain --
And soon the Lumen moonlight is piercing misty trees.
I have come, before I know it, upon an ancient hermitage,
The thatch door, the piney path, the solitude, the quiet,
Where a hermit lives and moves, never needing a companion.
廬山謠寄盧侍御虛舟 李白
我本楚狂人, 鳳歌笑孔丘。
手持綠玉杖, 朝別黃鶴樓;
五岳尋仙不辭遠, 一生好入名山游。
廬山秀出南斗傍, 屏風九疊云錦張;
影落明湖青黛光, 金闕前開二峰長。
銀河倒掛三石梁, 香爐瀑布遙相望。
回崖沓障淩蒼蒼, 翠影紅霞映朝日,
登高壯觀天地間, 大江茫茫去不黃。
黃云萬里動風色, 白波九道流雪山。
好為廬山謠, 興因廬山發。
閑窺石鏡清我心, 謝公行處蒼苔沒。
早服還丹無世情, 琴心三疊道初成;
遙見仙人彩云里, 手把芙蓉朝玉京。
先期汗漫九垓上, 愿接盧敖游太清。
Li Bai
I am the madman of the Chu country
Who sang a mad song disputing Confucius.
...Holding in my hand a staff of green jade,
I have crossed, since morning at the Yellow Crane Terrace,
All five Holy Mountains, without a thought of distance,
According to the one constant habit of my life.
Lu Mountain stands beside the Southern Dipper
In clouds reaching silken like a nine-panelled screen,
With its shadows in a crystal lake deepening the green water.
The Golden Gate opens into two mountain-ranges.
A silver stream is hanging down to three stone bridges
Within sight of the mighty Tripod Falls.
Ledges of cliff and winding trails lead to blue sky
And a flush of cloud in the morning sun,
Whence no flight of birds could be blown into Wu.
...I climb to the top. I survey the whole world.
I see the long river that runs beyond return,
Yellow clouds that winds have driven hundreds of miles
And a snow-peak whitely circled by the swirl of a ninefold stream.
And so I am singing a song of Lu Mountain,
A song that is born of the breath of Lu Mountain.
...Where the Stone Mirror makes the heart\'s purity purer
And green moss has buried the footsteps of Xie,
I have eaten the immortal pellet and, rid of the world\'s troubles,
Before the lute\'s third playing have achieved my element.
Far away I watch the angels riding coloured clouds
Toward heaven\'s Jade City, with hibiscus in their hands.
And so, when I have traversed the nine sections of the world,
I will follow Saint Luao up the Great Purity.
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